Virtual Comics Festival 11th and 12th of April 2020


What: Comics festival
Where: In the Internet
When: 11th and 12th of April 2020

Because of the stage of matters during the Corona pandemic, we created a virtual comics festival this year to make up for the canceled comics events. It is a new type of social media comics event.

At the virtual festival, you can watch both live broadcasting and pre-recorded content. The festival is artist-driven and it is organized by voluntary people for the love of comics. We warmly welcome all the friends, artists, and publishers of comics to participate on our social media platforms #oulucomics #virtuaalifestivaali.

The organizers expected about 5 registrations to this first and probably the only Virtual Comics Festival, but in the end there were well over 30 registrations. Enjoy the content!

You can access the program of the Virtual Comics Festival by clicking here…

The event on Facebook:

The Director of Arts of the Oulu Comics Festival invites everyone to the Virtual Comics Festival!

The illustrations for the Virtual Comics Festival are executed by Aapo Kukko, Mari Ahokoivu and Milla Paloniemi.

#aapokukko #mariahokoivu #millapaloniemi