Sarjasto – Sarjakuva-Finlandia (Comics-Finlandia) 2021 award

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More information about Sarjakuva-Finlandia (Comics-Finlandia) award

Sarjakuva-Finlandia (Comics-Finlandia) award is granted to a domestic artist to a group of domestic artists who have made a laudable comic book. The award is granted in spring every year in Tampere Kuplii comic festival. The grant is 5 000 euros. Tampere city is partnering with the award.

Nominees can be self-published or professionally published comic books which are written in either Finnish or Swedish. Also other languages can be permitted, if the jury so decides. The award is title-specific.

Every year, Tampere Kuplii registered association sets a jury who nominates ten nominees at most and appoints a person outside from the jury to make the final selection.

Comics Finlandia award was established in 2007 and it is granted next time in March 2021.

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Winner of the 2021 award will be chosen by the agent of creativity Markku ”Mato” Valtonen. The award is granted to a domestic artist or to a group of domestic artists who have made a laudable comic book.

In the year 2020, approximately  50  comic books by domestic artists were published. The Corona pandemic almost halved the number of published titles. From the comic books, 45 were suggested for the award. The four-person jury set by Tampere Kuplii registered association read carefully every suggested book. The jury noted the level of publications being high again and noted selecting the nominees very challenging.

The 2021 jury members are Pasi Heikura, Eija Isoviita, Eero Sainio, and Anna Vuorinne. The jury selected ten nominees for the award from suggested comic books.

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More information about the book Homo Line

Edith Hammar: Homo Line (Förlaget)

This autobiographical book about cultural identities, sex, and sexuality challenges both concervative attitudes and the conventions of comic expression. The main character searches her place alternately from Helsinki and from Stockholm. In the end, it becomes evident that no nation, no city, nor a nationality make a home. It is more important to be yourself freely and actualize your identity as you desire. Despite a melancholic overtone of the story, it doesn’t feel inconsolable, but reminds the reader of the radical power of dreaming.

The book in 

Artist’s home page:
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More information about the book Tatu ja Patu – kovaa menoa kiskoilla

Aino Havukainen – Sami Toivonen: Tatu ja Patu – kovaa menoa kiskoilla (Otava)

The first full Tatu ja Patu comic book is a masterful showcase of a sovereign capability of its creators, both in wide lines and in the mastery of abundant details. Suggested target age group can’t make justice to this book. Even a child can get the message of the book, but also adults need to pay close attention to grasp everything. Outola brothers remind the reader to view the world again with a little bit fresher eyes.

The book in

Tatu ja Patu web page:
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More information about the book Kuutamo ja muita kertomuksia

Tuisku Hiltunen: Kuutamo ja muita kertomuksia (Suuri Kurpitsa)

This collection of three novella-like comics is about relationships, love, and search of one’s own path. The settings vary from a city environment resembling the present era to the era of sailing ships to a futuristic space era. Despite this variety, every story deals with basic questions of humanity. How to be yourself? How to meet another person? How to express love? The book depicts human problems with kindness and strengthens the faith in open discussion.

The book in

Artist’s home page:
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More information about the book Ammatti: käsikirjoittaja

Pauli Kallio and 22 other authors: Ammatti: käsikirjoittaja (Suuri Kurpitsa)

This hefty collection from long time professional comic artist Pauli Kallio consists of strips published in magazines and newspapers. Comments from Kallio and 22 artists share light on the creation process of comics, on collaboration between script writer and artist, and on the history of Finnish comic strips on magazines and newspapers from 1980s to this day. It is a comprehensive assortment which provides something to ponder for a long time and to which you can always come back time and time again.

The list of artists is unlike any other: JP Ahonen, Saila Juuti, Ulf K, Jussi Karjalainen, Kati Kovács, Maarit Kytöharju, Karri Laitinen, Mika Lietzén, Jan Lindström, Reetta Niemensivu, Christer Nuutinen, Pentti Otsamo, Ville Pirinen, Tomi Riionheimo, Jii Roikonen, Tiitu Takalo, Petteri Tikkanen, J. Tilsa, Piipa Toivonen, Sami Toivonen, Katja Tukiainen, and Sami Vähä-Aho.

The book in

The book on the publisher’s web page:

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More information about the book Katkenneita lankoja

Karoliina Korhonen – Anssi Vieruaho (ed) and 9 comic artist: Katkenneita lankoja (Atena)

Karoliina Korhonen and Anssi Vieruaho have edited a comics anthology from burnout which is a worryingly common phenomenon in our times. Stylistically very varied stories by nine comic book artists aptly describe the various manifestations of exhaustion. The stories form an intact entity, which wakes the reader to scrutinize problems in the working culture and helps them to understand burned out ones.

The artist are Tuisku Hiltunen, Emmi Nieminen, Sami Nyyssölä, Niko-Petteri Niva, Mari Ahokoivu, Milla Paloniemi, Harri Tervapuro, Avi Heikkinen, and Anssi Vieruaho.

The book in

The book on the publisher’s web page:

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More information about the book Marjatta & Ilman Kinna

Kari Korolainen: Marjatta & Ilman Kinna (Kirjokansi)

Maid Marjatta, who has ended up a long way from home, and Kinna, who is a traveler with bird legs, meet at village counsel, which is summoned to solve the riddle of a mysterious bag found in the forest. Both of them are haunted by ghosts, too. The story is set in an undefined time period in the past and it incorporates Finnish myths and beliefs. Vivid art style carries the plot effortlessly, and the dialect used by the characters is the icing on the top of this delightful book.

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The book on the publisher’s web page:

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More information about the book Sarjakuvaterapiaa ja muita kertomuksia hulluudesta

Viivi Rintanen: Sarjakuvaterapiaa ja muita kertomuksia hulluudesta (Suuri Kurpitsa)

Viivi Rintanen leads her reader into dark landscapes of mental health problems in an understanding and an easy-to-understand way. Rantanen has managed to create compelling comics from reality-based, ordinary horror stories. Despite the gloomy topics, effective illustrations carry the comic book to its goal therapeutically.

The book in

Artist’s home page:
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More information about the book Korpit ja muita kertomuksia

Timo Mäkelä: Korpit ja muita kertomuksia (täysi KÄSI oy and Arktinen Banaani)

This collection of eight short stories leads the reader through the western art history. Time travel starts from Medieval Church Art, travels through Renaissance, Baroque and Impressionism, and ends with the surrealistic world of René Magritte. There is a humoristic touch in the comic book, but a few of the stories have a glimpse to the downsides of the art world. The periods of art history are clearly visible in the visuals of the book, of which stories adapt to the aesthetics of each period.

The book in

The book on the publisher’s web page:!product_id=9789522704337

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More information about the book Vuokrakolmio Bermudalla

Samson: Musta hevonen: Vuokrakolmio Bermudalla (Egmont kustannus)

Musta Hevonen manages to surprise with its personal style, insightfulness, and quality of craft  in the most familiar form of comics, the humorous comic strips. The main character’s personality may not become deeper, but the humor supports its  laconic attitude of life. Stripped-down graphics works reliably in illustrations and as a basis of the humor.

The book in

Musta hevonen comics blog:
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More information about the book Memento Mori

Tiitu Takalo: Memento Mori (WSOY)

Takalo has crafted a masterful journey into a human mind by Memento Mori. Although the book has many layers and it is personal,  it is also  easy to approach and easy to follow.  That is a guaranteed trait of Takalo’s style.

The book in

Artist’s home page:
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This Virtual exhibition is carried out by Oulu Comics Center in cooperation with Oulu City Library and Sarjasto. It is our first digital exhibition production which we made because of the Corona pandemic restrictions in the library.